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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]One of my favorite growing trends is the vow renewal. Whether you and your partner got married at a time where you couldn’t afford the wedding you wanted, or if you just want to redo your vows and celebrate again your love for one another, vow renewals are a way to almost recreate the wedding of your dreams! A lot of couples take this opportunity to make the changes to their wedding they had in hindsight, and to get updated photographs of you and your partner. Today I want to highlight the top reasons of why to consider a vow renewal:

Why to Consider a Vow Renewal | amanda.matilda.photography

Why to Consider a Vow Renewal

Couple gazing at each other in a vineyard with Mt. Garfield in the distanceReconnecting with your partner. Whether you are remembering or redoing your vows, this is a wonderful time to touch base with those promises you first made to each other when you got married and to consider what promises you want to make for the future from here. It really reconnects you to your spouse and kindles that fire even more!

Reflecting. Vow renewals are a good time to take a moment to your marriage. Stepping away from the drudgery of every day life, all the laundry, dishes, work week, bills, dusting, and more. Allow yourself to come together in a space of peace and quiet and focus on the marriage you’ve created with your spouse and the marriage you want to continue to build. Re-dedicate your lives to each other, reflecting on the past and moving forward.

Full blended family photoCapturing Life Now. At your wedding, you may have been completely different people than you are now. You may have a couple decades added on, a couple children and pets added on, and more. Life grows over time, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to capture exactly where you are in life now that your marriage has grown!

Celebrating. With the number of marriages that may not last these days, it is an amazing thing to be able to celebrate the strength of your marriage! A vow renewal offers you the chance to get together with your loved ones and honor and celebrate the length of your marriage thus far and create a party that reflects you. With potentially a higher budget this go around, you can throw a “wedding” of sorts that you may not have gotten the first time – with a really awesome focus!

Whether you’re doing a “do-over” wedding or just a big to-do to celebrate your latest anniversary, I hope this has helped you with why to consider a vow renewal!



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