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I'm based in Grand Junction, CO and capture the story & scenery of your favorite day. Serving Crested Butte, Ouray, Moab, Aspen and beyond!

It’s not two broken halves becoming one.
It’s the light from a distant lighthouse bringing you both safely home
because home is wherever you are both together.”


Elizabeth and Graham tied the knot in an elopement on the Colorado National Monument in early September. I tend to use the term elopement more fluidly than most. I suppose you could just call it a small, non-traditional wedding ceremony. They had family and friends gathered around as they stood upon the cliff side overlooking Wedding Canyon, listening to readings they picked out read by loved ones. A hand-fasting ceremony helped them literally tie the knot, and a round of rock-paper-scissors helped to determine who would receive their ring first. And after a sweet look of disbelief and the most joy, they shared a kiss to seal the deal.

These sorts of celebrations and commitments of love are some of my favorite to witness. When couples create a ceremony that is fully them, typical traditions thrown to the wind, and committing to forever in an amazing location that they love. It’s an incredible thing to experience! Just know that if planning a traditional wedding isn’t feeling right, you totally have options on how to get married. For now, though, take a peek at their elopement on the Colorado National Monument:

Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument Graham & Elizabeth | Elopement on the Colorado National Monument

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