Top Reasons to Have a First Look |

Your first look is an amazing part of your wedding day! Traditionally, the “first look” at your soon-to-be spouse would be as you’re coming down the aisle at the ceremony. More and more couples nowadays, though, are opting for an intentional First Look — a moment together before the ceremony and before we start formal […]

Breaking Tradition: Top Reasons to Have a First Look

More This Way

March 6, 2017


[wc_box color=”info” text_align=”left”] Ben & Danielle were one of my favorite engagement sessions last fall. We [accidentally] perfectly timed it when the trees were most orange and red and yellow, and everything was unmistakably autumn. Their wedding proved to be equally gorgeous this spring! Their ceremony took place at St. Olaf here in Fort Dodge, […]

Ben & Danielle – Married | St. Olaf Lutheran Church

More this way

May 9, 2015


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