Alec & Emily | Spring Engagement Photos on the Colorado National Monument

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Grand Junction Wedding Photographer

More This Way

March 6, 2020

The Graceful Life Podcast | Business Branding Photos in Grand Junction

Ashley came to me ready to take her content marketing for her podcast “The Graceful Life” up a notch with a professional branding photo session in Downtown Grand Junction! It was so much fun to find the perfect walls and storefronts to match her brand’s aesthetic and color scheme. She also brought the perfect props […]

The Graceful Life Podcast | Business Branding Photos in Grand Junction

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February 26, 2020

The Graceful Life Podcast | Business Branding Photos in Grand Junction

Business Branding

April & Bruce's Palisade Wedding in a Vineyard |

As the valley becomes more and more of a destination for weddings and events, more couples each year are also planning bachelorette parties in Grand Junction! From Palisade, Colorado’s wine country and closest thing to Napa Valley you’ll find in the state, to the many hiking and nearby hot springs, we have a number of […]

Bachelorette Parties in Grand Junction

More This Way

February 24, 2020


Joseph & Morgan | Fall Wedding at Hotel Colorado

With so many couples potentially getting engaged on Valentine’s day, I wanted to create a Grand Junction guide to engagement rings! We have so many great local jewelers to choose from in helping you pick the perfect ring to propose with. Engagement Ring Style First, let’s talk about styles. When I first thought about looking […]

Grand Junction Guide to Engagement Rings

More this way

January 20, 2020

Joseph & Morgan | Fall Wedding at Hotel Colorado


Daniel & Quinn | Surprise Proposal in Grand Junction

Passing the triangle rock Daniel and I noted when first scoping out the location for the surprise proposal, I turned toward the cliff’s edge of the Colorado National Monument. Camera in hand I hid behind a juniper bush, pretending to photograph the scenery in case I was spotted. Not long after I took my place, […]

Daniel & Quinn | Surprise Proposal in Grand Junction

More This Way

July 31, 2019

Couples, Proposal

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