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Choosing your bridesmaids dresses is a tough part of wedding planning for many brides. Whether you’ve known exactly what dresses you want before you even got engaged or you’re still not sure what your wedding colors even are, there are a few trends in bridesmaids dresses these days that are worth taking into account!

Trends in Bridesmaids Dresses | amanda.matilda.photography

Trends in Bridesmaids Dresses

Navy bridesmaids dresses in the same styleUniformity. The traditional, more common route for bridesmaids dresses is still uniformity. Having your whole tribe in the same style and color gives your party a look of cohesion and dresses up the ceremony a bit. If your celebration is more formal, this is a great choice. One reason some brides are steering away from this tradition lately, though, is that it is very limiting to your girls if they are very different body types.

Bridesmaids dresses in blush with different stylesColor. Because the full uniform look can be hard for bridesmaids of different body types, a trend in bridesmaids dresses that is becoming really popular is opting for just sticking to the same color dress. Choose the color you want your girls in and let them pick the dress style they love most! This gives a little more personality and casual feel to your celebration, while maintaining the wedding colors you’ve chosen and keeping a bit of cohesion in your party.Bridesmaids dresses in navy with varying styles

Mix and Match. Some brides — especially those with eclectic wedding plans, more casual celebrations, or a variety of wedding colors — are opting for a fun new trend in bridesmaids dresses which is to mix and match their colors.

Bridesmaids dresses in fall colors

You could choose the same style with alternating colors, or even allow your maids to choose their own dresses while assigning them each one of your wedding colors. This is especially great if you’re having a fall wedding like Dylan and Bailey, who chose their favorite complementary fall colors for the dresses.

I hope this has given you some ideas or sparked some creativity to your choice of bridesmaids dresses! There are so many options within each of these trends. Let me know in the comments below what you’re doing for your dresses or what you chose if you’re already married!

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