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The Importance of a Go-To Person | Wedding Planning Reminders | amanda.matilda.photography

The Importance of A Go-To Person

Weddings are a whirlwind. The day will fly by, hiccups may happen, and lots and lots of quick questions and decisions will probably need to be made. The timeline may get behind. This is where the importance of a go-to person comes in.

This person should ideally be a number of things:

Groom straightening his bow tie | amanda.matilda.photographyFamiliar with your family. This person will be able to help corral people during family photos (ideally not being IN the photos, but it works out okay if they are!) and get those family members who are up next in line and ready to go. This helps us so much with keeping the timeline on track, and maybe even getting a little ahead if the day has been running behind! They should know who people are so that they can run to the other room where folks are getting ready if needed, or be able to get a message sent during the reception.Wedding Party in an alfalfa field

Not part of the wedding party. Your go-to person needs to be able to fulfill tasks and last minute errands if needed (you’d be surprised how many little things pop up that need done!) This is why they should be someone special to you who isn’t part of your wedding party. That way if an errand needs to be made while the wedding party is needed for photos, or getting ready, they can slip away easily and help out.

Wedding ceremony location in the Ouray mountains amphitheaterAble to get s*** done. This go-to person should be someone who’s not afraid to be a little bossy when needed. Maybe the card table still hasn’t been set up yet, chairs need to be set up at the ceremony space, or the wedding planner needs an extra set of hands for 20 minutes. You should never have to worry about what decorations still need done or what messages you need to relay to the vendors. You’ve got a point person for that! I’ve seen this go-to person be a life saver when a cake was cut before the bride and groom got to the reception, and when the boys were late to the getting ready space. Things will happen that will need a point person to help with!

Bride and matron of honor walking to first look

A positive person. The best advice for the importance of a go-to person is to make sure you’ll like having them around. Maybe Aunt Karen fits the bill of the last three suggestions, but makes you kind of anxious when she’s around. Move on to another person! Your go-to is going to be there every step of the day, and they should be a calming and happy force. That is after all their job! They’re there to help you relax and take care of your stress on the big day. Make sure you’ll love having them around all day.

Hopefully some of these tips and reminders will help you in selecting the perfect go-to person. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have someone lined up for this role; certain weddings are much smaller and more intimate or maybe you’ve got a wedding planner with a full crew who can take care of everything for you! I just like to suggest the importance of a go-to person to all of my couples as I’ve seen them be life savers for both me and my couples many times over.

If you found this post helpful let me know in the comments below! Don’t miss out on my other pieces in this wedding planning series as well: check out What to Remember for Getting Ready or Wedding Day Reminders!


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