Couples planning an elopement are often faced with the decision of whether to invite guests or not, and if not how to still involve their loved ones with their wedding plans. This list of nine ways to include guests in your elopement are ideas for both scenarios. There is no one-size-fits-all way to elope, and […]
March 11, 2021
One of the most pressing questions couples ask when eloping is “What do we do all day??” The best thing about elopements is that there are no rules, but for some couples that freedom is intimidating! Whether you’re an outdoorsy couple with a love of adventure and adrenaline, or you’re a laid-back couple that have […]
March 3, 2021
With an elopement or micro wedding day, your timeline can be one of the hardest things to nail down because you have so much flexibility! Elopement timelines never look one certain way. So today to give you some inspiration I’ll be covering a number of timelines I’ve seen or dreamt of for elopement celebrations and […]
May 26, 2020
Every year I am seeing more and more couples choosing a destination elopement in Colorado for their wedding celebrations. Who can blame them? Colorado’s western slope is home to some of the best parts of the state, in my opinion! Whether you’re planning a classic elopement of just the two of you, or more of […]
May 11, 2020
It may only be the end of April, but with the warmer weather I’m thinking about summer weddings! Getting married in the summer brings a number of potential challenges that are easily overcome — if you remember to plan for them! Bugs, heat, and more invite themselves to your celebration in the summer. Don’t forget […]
April 27, 2020